Ruminating About ‘Making’

According to David Gauntlett, media studies should be about making.

Yet, only 3 weeks into this course, I still feel anxious about my ability to make, and to be creative – most of importantly of all, to share this with others. I stopped making Facebook statuses in year 9 when I realised that everything I’d post would humiliate future me a only a few weeks later. Welcome to the world of the always self conscious. This blog is really a trial by fire in all ways, except there’s no fire. (Insert fire emoji here.)

Ironically, however, I have less qualms about Snapchat or Instagram. Sharing photos of the morning sunlight shining on my maidenhair fern seems to be almost second nature. Perhaps it is the fact that I am always aware that these images are for a public audience, and therefore carefully curated, that makes it more comfortable, as it this an awareness that I, and surely many others, did not possess in year 7.

Anyway, here’s to my next challenge.

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