Week Three Readings

David Gauntlett suggests that making should be front and centre of contemporary media studies. Media is indeed more than just a subject; it is a method; it is broad. The media landscape has changed significantly since its conception. It is no longer just institutions who create media texts, as everybody now has the resources and the ability to do, be it through mobile phones, computers, social media, etc.

Further, Gauntlett proposes that there are two ‘peaks’ in media studies: creativity (positive) and surveillance and exploitation (negative). This is the idea that with media technologies developed, our ability to be creative media makers was increased, but on the flip side also the institutions’ ability to monitor and exploit us. For instance, Facebook allows consumers to create their own content and connect with others, but it also provides a platform for businesses to create targeted and personalised advertising. As the saying goes, if you are not paying for it, you are the product.

Gauntlett takes a more positive view of media studies, however. He sees media as a set of networks, filled with ‘sparks’ that can triggers experiences and transformations, as well as provide places of exchange and inspiration.

Moreover, as media practitioners we need certain knowledge. In order, Gauntlett lists 3 points of knowledge that he believes are necessary:

  1. How things work (technical and economic knowledge)
  2. How things feel (emotional knowledge)
  3. How to make a difference (creative and political knowledge)

These points are in order of importance because one can not know how to make a difference without knowing how things work. These readings were interesting because Gauntlett’s proposals are things that I hope will be (and so far have been) included in the Media course.

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