Online VS Face to Face Communication

In our blossoming world of social media, one question is often debated. Are online friends less valuable than face to face friends?

For what it’s worth, I think that face to face interaction is always more meaningful than texting or messaging online. It is simply impossible to the catch subtle social and emotional clues than you get from being around someone, through online interactions. I can’t count the amount of times I’ve almost been in an argument over something that was poorly expressed in writing but would’ve made perfect sense if it had been said with the right tone of voice and expression. Emojis can only get you so far.

Online interactions can also be authentic and meaningful, however. I know people who have met their best friends or even partners through online interaction. The superficial nature of social media and the likes might even help to form friends. It is easier to approach people online, as it is easy to turn away if a situation becomes uncomfortable.

Sites such as Facebook have also reunited old classmates, friends from across the world. My mother talks more to her family in Holland through Skype and Facebook than she ever did whilst she still lived in Holland. Despite being on other sides of the world, they have never been closer.

At it’s best, the social media is a supplement to our existing relationships. Whilst it may aid friendships, or even form new ones, I don’t believe that it can completely replace face to face interaction.

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