Our First Show

The 11th of May came around pretty quickly from when we originally set the date.

We had some messing around in the morning to try and print off the run sheets and script. Georgia called me whilst I was on the tram to the studios and asked me to do it so I jumped off at Parliament and started looking around the city for an Officeworks then Linh called and said she’d do it as she lives next to an Officeworks so I went back and caught another tram in. It seemed to take a while but we all got there with plenty of time.

We ran over the show again and made sure we all knew what time our interviewees were coming.

My main worry about the whole thing was the transitions between the show that was on air before us and our show and then going from our show to the one after us. The people doing the show before us were really nice and came out and asked us what theme they wanted us to play so we could jump in during that. I took a mental note to do that when we were getting towards the end of our show so we could do a similar transition with the next show.

Our first interviewee – Mark Gregory from Laneway Learning – showed up before we went into the studio which was good so we could do a quick run down with him before we went and set up. The interview with him went pretty well I thought, he was easy to talk to and it all flowed pretty well. Getting toward the end of the interview I was trying to wave at Georgia to hint that we should wrap it up soon but she was facing away from me and so focussed on the interview that she couldn’t see me so luckily she only asked a few more questions before finishing up.

The main thing I would have changed from that interview was the last question asking if there was anything else he wanted to say. I’m just not a fan of that interview style and I feel like by the end of that interview it was pretty clear that everything that we wanted to get out of the interview had been said.

The second interview was supposed to be Elliot Costello from YGAP but he turned up later than we were expecting so we had to bump the pre-recorded interview with Ian Nisbet and Sam Marzden about Spamalot forward. Whilst we were doing the intro for that interview Elliot walked in, which actually worked out well because it meant we could have a chat to him and do a run down of the studio without feeling rushed.

The interview with Elliot went pretty well, I think Georgia and Linh found it much more difficult because he very clearly had one thing on his mind that he wanted to get across about the 5 cent campaign which was great, however, that wasn’t all that we wanted to focus on.

I made a mistake with the sponsorship system which I was half expecting. It was a bit of a shock when we got into the studio and found that there were no sponsorship announcements scheduled for our show. Then when I went to play a promo at one point it didn’t play for me and I quickly had to switch to a song. I think it just had me spooked but it didn’t sound as bad as I thought it did.

The transition out of the studio for the next show was also a bit iffy. Georgia went out toward the end of our show and asked them how they wanted us to end and what promo we should play to give them time to get into the studio and they were a lot more relaxed about it then we were. They told us what promo and but when I went to play it it was only 24 seconds long and I had nothing else to cue up after that so I think it was a bit of a messy transition but it worked out in the end. I think they were expecting us to play a song as well, which we didn’t understand so I might have just been a communication problem. At least we can be even more aware of it next time!

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