Who owns what?

So I went to Splendour in the Grass a few weeks ago and I spent a little while this afternoon procrastinating by watching go-pro videos of people at Splendour and thinking about the content. Are these people really safe to be posting these awesome, creative videos online?

The one that triggered me to think this way is this video below.

This guy obviously likes his video making and the video is cool and certainly makes me nostalgic for the weekend. But does he own the rights to use Peking Duk’s song? Does he have the right to use the footage? Doesn’t Splendour in the Grass technically own that?
And finally, would he actually get in any sort of trouble for posting it? It’s just a fun video of him and his friends.

Sometimes it all seems a little unrealistic.

1 Comment

  1. He has a couple rights, the first is that he owns the footage. So if he played the video with just the images that would be no problem, but he definitely does not have the rights to Peking Duk’s song. Now whether or not he gets in trouble and how much trouble is a whole different thing and is definitely something the whole world is trying to sort out right now.

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