A couple days until showtime
My god this has come so quickly.
Somehow we wrangled together 3 guests, with the last one getting confirmed literally 2 days ago. few… Alicia Gleeson, Clayton Jacobson and Julian Lucas.
So these last couple of weeks have been stressful, just because how close we were cutting it with confirming the guests. Now that’s done so all we have to worry about is the seminar itself, where I take the reigns.
I’ve gotten a list of questions ready for the guests. A few broad, general questions and a few specific questions targeted towards the guests. I have a tiny monologue to present at the start of the seminar and I’ve written some questions for a quiz we are going to do in the break. I’ve also written the bios for the guests with Jackie. I’m definitely feeling like I’m doing my fair share of the work now, and I’m sure I’ll definitely feel that as soon as the seminar starts.
So our team has basically everything ready. All the food is set, same with the props and furniture. The equipment is hired and all the camera gear. The posters are up around RMIT, a couple of them are giant!!
I missed a couple of meetings the last couple of weeks due to starting a new job, but I’ve been keeping in touch via Facebook. But I’ll definitely be there for the meetings we have the next days until the seminar.
As we got closer and closer to the seminar, I think we’ve becoming a much better team, mainly due to the increasing urgency of getting things done. We’ve had a ton of in person meetings lately, which has been really good. Now lets see if it all pays off.
Wish us luck!