Seminar Series – Getting Started and Title!
So we’re getting rolling on our group seminar! James picked the name as MEDIA VI: A NEW HOPE, which means it’ll be Star Wars themed. I like it. James also made a mockup of the title graphic, which looks awesome.
Our seminar is based around the film industry, but more specifically, how you can transition into different areas of the film industry, like starting out as an editor and becoming a producer. I initially was more inclined to not refine our topic down too much, but the more I think about it the more I like it. I thought it would be smart to do a seminar with relatively young industry people so the information they have for us isn’t outdated like many other guest speakers I’ve seen before. We’ll see how this goes.
I’ve been nominated as the host, which should be fun. I haven’t yet thought up questions because I’m waiting until we get the guests in so I can tailor the questions to them more specifically. I’ve been talking to the group about the way we should set up the seminar and I keep referring back to the couch style interviewing on The Graham Norton Show, where the questions generally lead to a discussion among the guests as opposed to singular, direct questions.
As for the guests, we’ve sent out feeler emails to the cinematographer of True Detective, a producer on Snowtown and Geoffrey Rush. Yes, that guy. Caley says she knows his daughter and could potentially get him, so we’ll hope for the best. I’ve been scouring IMDB looking for current working producers, directors and cinematographers for the seminar. We have a big list in the group folder. Lots of potential, but the key is figuring out who’ll be most likely to reply. We’re not sure on the True Detective guy at the moment as we don’t know if he’s based in the states or not.