IM: Final Overall Participation

IM: Final Overall Participation

What did I do well?

  • I frequently contributed to my blog, making notes on readings, K-films and other things related to the course

  • I read posts other students made and commented on them if I liked them or if I had something to contribute to the post.

  • I did all the weekly sketch tasks in the first half of the semester.

  • I learnt how to use Korsakow.

  • I attended the majority of classes

  • I’ve been a presence in my group for the final k-film project, contributing many ideas and helping my teammates with the creation of the videos.

What have I learnt to do better?

  • Manage my subjects so I don’t overwhelm myself in one week. This happened a few times earlier in the semester where I missed a couple of weeks worth of posts, but I managed to get back on track by the end of the year.

What could you have learnt to do better?

  • I could have attended more lectures to get more out of the course, and been more attentive in the ones I attended.

  • More consistent on the reading blog posts.