IM: Reading – Collage
K-films are video collages that have a loose narrative behind them. In David Shield’s reading, he talks about a lack of plot that can give viewers a better understanding of a story due to the fact they have to fill in the gaps of the story themselves, which can allow them to create a unique and personal meaning from it.
He talks about how collage is the evolution beyond narrative, and it could be, but it sure isn’t a replacement. People like stories. A fixed narrative isn’t a mode that will die out. Shield’s says plots are for dead people, and I get the pun (awful), but plots will be around forever. People don’t want to choose their own adventure all the time. People watch a rom-com because they know everything is going to work out and they can dream the same will happen to them. What if the film was a “collage” and you made all the wrong choices? The film will turn out to be similar to your own life because you’re doing things you would do, so there is no escape obtained. I’m getting sick of people saying that multi-linear is the way of the future and the traditional narrative is going to die.
It won’t. It’s been around since the dawn of time. Why would it all of a sudden now? Because a theorist believes so? No.
I do believe that at some point in the future, when technology is ready, that multi-linear narratives will become a part of society, but this is way off.
Story is best.