FILM/TV: Reasons We Shoot To Edit

FILM/TV: Reasons We Shoot To Edit

Here are two reasons we shoot to edit.

1. To make sure we don’t have to go and do reshoots.

If we shoot something once on the day, just one take, and it’s amazing, and we get to the edit room and it’s out of focus or a boom mic is visible, then we have to go and reshoot that scene. That may ruin the continuity of the scene, due to many, many extraneous conditions that influenced the scene. When we shoot, we always to multiple takes.

2. We don’t shoot in order so everything can be better.

More depth can be developed in a scene or shot if you film it individually from another scene or shot. If you have a location for a day, you film all the scenes you need with that location on that day. It’s not in order, but then we can go to the edit room and shift it around into chronology. We also may have an actor for a certain amount of days, so you need to shoot all of their scenes first. Same goes with lighting, especially with natural light.