Idea for the Lectures
Here’s a post I’m sure will be looked at and responded to. All my criticisms or suggestions seem to end up on the main media blog.
Rather than have the lectures as the answering of various questions, base each week around a theme.
This week would be around databases I’d assume, so maybe spend 5-10 minutes doing a quick summary of what databases are about and how they relate to Networked Media. Then the tutors can discuss the questions that are based around database, because for the last few weeks they have been a jumble of questions that can be relating from stuff we talked about in week 1 or something a little off topic that maybe one student didn’t quite understand. I think to make the lecture a little more worthwhile, have the first couple of questions directly related to the weeks topic, then if there’s time, go a bit off topic onto some of the left of field questions.
That’s my two cents, I’m sure I’ll get a logical response as to why it is wrong or why the lectures are they way they are but what the hell. Here it is anyway.