No Lecture or Class this week... what do I talk about?

No Lecture or Class this week… what do I talk about?

What do I post about when I didn’t do anything this week?

Let’s see, well I got a job at Hoyts, that’s kinda cool.

I watched The Last King of Scotland, that’s all I’ve watched this week besides the cinema screening for my Cinema class.

I caught the lastest Breaking Bad episode, which was pretty cool. Walt’s a bad-ass, Jesse looks to be pretty fucked up. Skyler seems to still like Walt despite everything that’s going on. and Todd. Oh Todd, now you are the meth king, or Todd’s crazy uncle. Either way, Walt better watch out for child-killer Todd. Hank’s losing it, Marie is just being Marie. Jr. has been out of action lately, I want to see his reaction to finding out his father’s a drug lord killer. Saul is also losing his grip on things, but he ain’t gonna die because he’s the cockroach that will always get away, but will always be the scum of the earth. That’s basically what creator Vince Gilligan said.

I also watched Ray Donovan and The Newsroom. Both not as good as Breaking Bad, but have high standards.

I wanna go home and relax and watch some popcorn movie, but i’m stuck for another 2 hours. Balls.

Oh, Todd. What will we ever do with you. Should have killed him Walt. Big mistake.