So everyone is trying to understand how the NBN can continue to be such a huge cockup and conveniently, there’s this article about it and seeing as though it’s related to institutions, I’ll give you the low-down. Labor introduced a plan to basically just put all the best technology in 95 percept of households, everyone would have fibre all the way from the root to the premises, happy days, and two years ago we were all supposed to have gigabit internet connections, of course, being Australia that didn’t happen because there was an election and parties don’t ever agree on anything ever, so the liberal government basically said a tenth of that speed is enough let’s not waste money, this is though, it sounds bad, a reasonably good idea, but their main reason for doing this was to save time, not money and they haven’t saved any time at all and the cost also hasn’t changed that much, and in the end, we still end up with an old, dated network, still controlled by the big ISPs.
The reading on the NBN says that in contrast to other countries in the world, speed is not marketed here, in fact really the only thing that’s advertised as the difference between ISPs is data allowance. I personally find this really annoying and it permeates through almost every form of technology. Walk into JB Hifi and ask someone what Graphics Chip is in any one of their computers and then wait five minutes while the staff member goes out and checks because it isn’t written on any of the promotional paraphernalia for the product or on it’s tag, instead the Graphics memory is written there, which of course is totally irrelevant without knowing what the card is, but the majority of people buying a computer won’t know that, they see GB and know more is better. They wouldn’t know a megahert if it hit them in the face. And this is the very same thing with the NBN customers understand gigabytes, physical data, size is better but ask them about speed, they don’t know a thing and this, this lack of education is why we’re 60th in the world for internet speed. When Turnbull says “Most australians have no need for gigabit internet” he’s right, because most australians don’t know what a gigabit is.