Today we just got placed in groups for Project Brief 4. One of the issues with this is that I’ve spent all this time sussing out who the strong people in the class are and then just to have no say in the matter is kind of annoying because how do I know this is gonna be any good… I don’t. When you embark on a project with a group of people, you always try to collaborate with the kind of people that understand your thought process and the way you work and the people who can support you. I have no guarantees anyone has my back at all and my life is a little topsy turvy at the moment with family stuff. It’s pretty hard knowing whether or not it will all turn out okay.
I like my group though, I know I will have to help quite substantially with the editing of both essays but I feel good about that at the moment. As long as we can all do our part it will be fine. It could be a little difficult for me to come in to university to meet up with my group because I live so much further from the CBD than both Rachel and Jasmine do.
I sent them an example of a video essay that I love, by the RocketJump Film School. RocketJump is a company that began with weekly YouTube content and now they are a semi-professional studio producing feature-length content for Netflix and streaming services. They have been around since the beginning of YouTube, in the form of Freddie Wong’s YouTube channel Freddiew. One of the first weekly short film producers on YouTube. The video entitled “Why CG sucks (but it doesn’t)” has 6 million videos because of its extremely controversial subject matter.