This student Korsakow film titled ‘Scatology’ (2013) is by students Brenton Spink, Joyce Khoo, Camilla Evani, and Sheilah Ismail. They describe it as a “list work”, concerned with asking men and women their favourite swear word and worst habit. The piece is aware of the format, but overall it didn’t seem to quite reach it’s potential.
The interface is pleasantly simple, with a single main viewing window and two links below. The design of the links are in the shape of a male or female that act as a viewing window of the video clip it links to. They remain unobtrusive, allowing for the main viewing window to dominate, which made it easy to engage with each clip. The male/female shapes also indicate what gender will be speaking over the top of the video clip so a viewer has some choice as to the kind of person they want to hear from next.
However I don’t feel two options per screen fully embraces the potential of the Korsakow format. Two options per step feels limiting in contrast to the numerous options that are possible to include within a Korsakow interface. It would have been nice to have more options, perhaps in the shape of other objects that related to the audio or video clip it linked to, to further accentuate the multi-directional potential of the format.
The audio clips consist very simply of a voice over stating what they think their worst habit is, and what their favourite swear word is. I thought this was a hilarious choice of questions, and it’s amusing to listen to each one. It doesn’t take long to hear them all, so while the selection of audio clips is small, they are still fun to listen to.
Where the audio clips have the obvious overarching theme of favourite swear word and worst habit, I found the video clips to lack continuous fluid pattern making. For the most part there are noticeable patterns between each clip, for example a scene of people praying at a colourful open altar would link to a similar pious scene albeit in the quiet interior of a church. There were also numerous other clips of some sort of culture festival in Melbourne that would link to one another with notable relationships, for example, different areas of federation square with different parts of the same festival exhibition.
There are some clips that appear out of place however. For example, visible in the screenshot above, a shot of a library would link to a couple walking on the streets of Melbourne, or from a fancy cafe to a dress in a clothes shop. These links where the links seemed less relevant felt jarring in comparison to the other sets of clips, and unfortunately I felt they weakened the piece overall. If removed, I feel the piece would benefit overall from having fewer, but more dominant patterns and scene links.
The weakest part of the piece for me however was the lack of relationship between the visual and aural elements. While the video and audio clips were intriguing alone – the former depicting some colourful scenes, the latter being rather provocative – together they did not seem to depict anything greater. Potentially the the contrast between the more cultured environments, and the vulgar statements made by the voices could be the prevailing theme, though this still seems a tenuous link due to the sometimes random nature of the video clips.
Perhaps if the original question were extended on there may have been a stronger basis to shoot relevant video for them, maybe along the lines of why they had a favourite swear word, or where they picked up a bad habit. The video clips could have then been developed into icons, or maybe simply representative, or the bad language and habits in society.
In his article ‘Digital Memory and the Archive’, Wolfgang Ernst states that “Narration assimilates information by recounting it in the synecdochical mode” and this seems particularly relevant to the Korsakow format. The power of Korsakow comes from it’s synecdochical nature; depicting parts of a whole to portray the whole. ‘Scatology’ shows evidence of this; I got the feeling of several distinct scenes, but where the links would sometimes seem more random, the ‘whole’ doesn’t quite come together.
I think going by Ernst’s proposition of narrative, if the ‘parts’ remain more tightly linked through more specific key words, and any irrelevant media removed, an overall, ‘whole’ narrative in this format can be made much stronger.