Overall I am happy with what I’ve learned this semester. The main thing I feel now is that I didn’t feel as inspired to make the documentary as when I started it, whether that came from the time constraint, the challenges involved, or the idea itself I’m not entirely sure. From the outset the idea was meant to be experimental and a little left of centre, so the chance to play around with ideas was definitely enjoyable. I think if I were to take something from this project it would be that I’ve learned how important pre-production is, particularly in terms of themes and visual direction. We had a good idea of these things, but I think we weren’t immersed in them enough to end up with a fully cohesive final product.
During the process though I’ve had plenty of ideas for other documentaries, lots of short ones that I’ll put together in my own time with some ideas I didn’t get to fully follow up on in this project.