Dude come help me move my stuff?

With the end of Networked Media I will be terminating my stay here in favour of a WordPress blog. You can find that blog here.

I very much enjoyed the experience of blogging regularly in response to course material though, and it’s something I’ll probably carry over to my new blog. It’s also brought back a passion for writing that I had about this time last year. I guess a year of just working after VCE does away with your creativity like that.

My new blog will consist of mainly video game related discussion but it certainly won’t be restricted to it should I feel the need to diverge. The up to date WordPress platform is much more reliable too, unfortunately something Media Factory does not offer (namely the ability to embed tweets and other media directly much like Storify, very neat), not to mention the larger range of themes and blog options.

So with that I bid you adieu whoever might be reading, and unless I’m forced to return, I’ll be living over on Twitter and my new blog there.

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