Major Media Blog Post Week #11

Now that it is week 11 and we have finished filming. Alex has been editing rough-cuts together and showing us and it is a very special feelin, especially with comedy to see a script come to life. I think the reason that it is more rewarding with comedy is because there are so many jokes explained in words. While the dialogue ones are clear whether they will work or not, the visual ones are a bit of a risk and you only see the outcome of how funny it is once it has been filmed and looked back at. 


I believe that while it is good to have everything planned and scripted ahead of time, a lot of humour can be found and created within the edit itself. This doesn’t necessarily mean funny sound effects but rather the timing in which you cut between two clips can create a punchline better than the scripted punchline itself. 


Now that we are at the final stretch of this film I am very proud of everything that everyone has achieved while working on it. We overcame many hardships throughout this process, our latest one being working with footage that has no sound. While we still have audio from the boom mic editing has definitely become harder now that we have to sync our clips up. 


After the filming struggles we went through last week this week’s shoots were relatively smooth. I think a lot of that is due to me being able to learn from what worked and what didn’t work on our first shoot. I think that if some how it was possible a rehearsal shoot or a test of some sort would have helped all of us but obviously it’s not logistically possible. I am glad though that the shoot with all of our extras was later on so I was able to get settled and comfortable with things.

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