Major Media Blog Post Week #9

This week my group and I finalised *most* of our actors and discussed all of the props, locations, etc that we will need for different scenes. I am glad that our group has a joint focus on what we want to achieve and Alex as the director has done a great job at going the extra mile to make sure that scripts, storyboards and other physical resources, were already produced so that the time we spend as a group wasn’t wasted.

I think this early start will also help us later down the line when we get to the production and post-production stages of our film. This is not solely due to us now having more time but we’ve had more time to really sit on ideas and work them out in our head. This is something that I wrote about last week as well because I believe that you can’t make decisions in a day, and our minds have changed about so many big and small details over the week, which has been good to get out of the way before we shoot.

Since we have such a limited time to write, film and produce our work, we have a very detailed planner of when and where everything will be. I think this is important especially since we are working with other people who will be acting and we need to cater to their needs as well as what we want to shoot. We have also prepared a good amount of backup plans in case an actor or something does fall through and we have in our minds that even though we have a way we want to do/achieve things we need to be flexible.

I hope that from the pitch/WIP we can get tips on filming in public locations like this, as well as ideas on how we may be able to achieve the technically challenging ideas we have. Since we are pitching to people who specialise in comedy and our film isn’t as loyal to a comedy, I think it would also be helpful if we could see where they think punchlines and jokes should lie within it and whether or not the jokes we have in it are actually funny and noticeable or too subtle and my group and I are the only ones who understand it.

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