Major Media Blog Post Week #7

Our group is aiming for a short film that is technically ambitious, professional looking, visually beautiful and poetic. We all want a HD mark for our work and would love for it to be a standout and be an improvement on our previous work. We envision our artefact’s ultimate destination to be on YouTube, our portfolios and submitted and hopefully screened at festivals and film competitions; something we’re really proud to show to the world! The level of commitment we want to achieve this will be high; divvying out roles according to our outside commitments and taking time out of uni/off work to shoot, scout locations and write the script. 

We will use Slack as the main form of communication in the group, using it to organise in-person meetings, shoot-days, ask questions and spitball ideas. We all expect each other to check messages and respond within a day. If commitments or issues arise, we will try our best to update each other and be as understanding as possible, things happen! If there’s sickness or people are overwhelmingly busy we will try our best to show up for each other and help out where needed. 

The assigning of roles are still a work in progress but based on our personal interest/strengths and general availability we’ve so far agreed on:

Pre-Production Roles

Writers: Everyone 

Producers: Individual tasks to be divvied up amongst everyone 

Production Roles 

Director: Alex

Directors Assistant: Claudia

Cinematographer: Jaden

Lighting: Jazz

Sound: Luci

Post Production 

Editing: Luci and Alex


I think that Dog’s in Space (1986) is a big inspiration for me with this work. While not entirely a comedy it definitely has its funny moments and while also the approach to narrative we will have, it does a great job of portraying the setting of Melbourne. Since we want our work to look very stylistic with elements of surrealism I think Edgar Wright’s films especially Zombieland (2009) are a big inspiration, both how it looks visually as well as the structure of how the narrative is driven (through the rules).


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