Very Funny Sketch

The goal of this exercise was to showcase incongruity, the way I chose to approach this was to take something that most people are familiar with (opening a bonbon with a joke during Christmas)and add a twist to it. 


From the examples that we watched in class you such as I Think You Should Leave season 3’s episode Zipline, I understood that you can only really twist something that people already know or otherwise they will not know that it is different and think nothing is meant to be funny. 


The twist in my sketch is that the joke is long and keeps on going on and on. I think that the joke works well in this situation because I am seen to be reading off of a piece of paper that is very small as well as Christmas bon bon jokes usually being one-liners. I think this visual element adds to the depth of the joke and makes it sillier even if the actual punchline of the joke is underwhelming. 


Because for some reason I like to come up with jokes in my free time the long joke I wrote is upwards of 3 minutes which for this exercise does not work. I was worried if the sketch would even still be funny then because I felt like a large part of its comedy came from the fact that I just kept talking non-stop for three minutes. Then when we were brainstorming our sketches on our tables Claudia and Luciana gave me the brilliant idea of showing time passing visually. This allowed me to be able to fit the punchline in under a minute but also by using this visual comedy I was able to over-exaggerate what was happening and make it silly and funny in that aspect. 


I think that this exercise in itself gave me ideas of how comedy can be presented and that it doesn’t have to be solely through audio or solely through visual elements but rather both can come together to deliver a punchline.

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