Reflection week #2

This week was a lot harder for me as I needed to stay home and isolate due to having COVID. However I made sure to keep up with what others were doing in class. I saw videos of my peers shooting 50 seconds stills that capture the city of melbourne such as people moving around or trams running across the line. Some of them were simple shots that were just pointed at a busy street, others were well thought out compositions that framed peoples lives within other buildings or structures. Giving almost a medium to observe these people through. I saw the use of having a target while life takes place in the background and thought that it was interesting. Giving the viewer something to focus on and not be too overwhelmed, while still getting and insight into what else is happening around the target. It made it hard that I was not able to go out and film anything though. My observation since was not able to be something that interest taught me how to be more descriptive and stray away from the diary entry style that I previously had. My observation this time was centred around a candle that I lit. Probably a 7-second process in real time I created into a piece of writing that breaks down each and every step as well as showing my thoughts behind it. This new perspective I believed actually helped me even though I was unable to do the physical class work of using the cameras I had to make do but improving my writing and using classmate’s work reflect and see what I would and wouldn’t do. Seeing the exercises that people were doing reminded me somewhat of Jacques Tati’s work. Something that I consider to be a key corner stone in film making. Which gave me hope that this studio is going to help me become a better, more refined film maker myself. After the class Robin also showed me some of the Lumière Brother’s early works. After seeing this I was shown that complicated and meaningful stories are able to be told through what at face value, seems like simple shots.

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