Time always feels like its moving slower when it’s cold. For a second it kind of makes sense but I know that’s not true. I can see the other people at the train station, also with no way of getting home, shivering just like me. One by one ubers slowly arrive. Seeing the relief on people’s faces filled me with jealousy a little. Being set free from the icy chamber that is the outside of Tarneit railway station. You’d be focusing on what other people were doing too if you were this cold and bored. Figuring out whether those little clouds are puffs from people’s vapes or the condensation of their breath. I check the weather app on my phone which subconsciously makes me colder. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath accepting my sub-zero death. My eyes open and my mum has arrived to pick me up. I guess I was just being dramatic.