Observation #1

Waking up early on a winter’s morning has never been an easy thing for anyone. But finding out that it was done for no reason doesn’t make it easier. Dread for the upcoming day as well as anger flooded my head. Dealing with the chaos of public transport is one thing but hearing others complain about how hard their commute was, is worse. People upset about a twenty-minute walk, made me unjustifiably agitated. My anger makes no sense yet it is the only thing I can feel right now. Their commute has nothing to do with mine at all, yet at the same time I’m burdened with the responsibility of letting them know how dumb they sound. The universe was working against me in three different ways; making me late in the first place, then making me hear other people taking their easy travel for granted and finally making me the idiot who is getting mad over it.

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