I guess this will be getting a bit more use this year…
I’ve learnt that I’ve done myself a favour in choosing this class. Adrian seems pretty cool (‘what a kiss ass’).
I say this because we’ve started the year off as well as I could have hoped.
What Adrian has told us, in terms of how we learn and how content will be presented to us, has me excited and teds to follow my style of learning.
Learn through doing. Not by thinking.
Still think, without thought we’re just drooling vegetables, but don’t let yourself become trapped in thought, and have that hinder your doing. Just do it (NO COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT INTENDED).
We were asked what we think a studio is…
I still was not given a definite answer, each persons answer differed. Adrian didn’t really say who was right and who was wrong. But that’s the thing! There is no right or wrong! Tacit learning is the key!
There is obviously some form of ‘wrong’, nothing is wrong. But anything done with thought and initiative is right.
I think…