A2 – Development 1.0

“Mainstream audiences are finally ready to adventure beyond the familiarity of linear structures” (Burke, 2007) and so am I. With Assessment 2 in mind, thinking about what small scale online screen media work I should develop, the quote from the WIRED article stated above really starts influenced me to think of something diverse and unique. Something that goes beyond the generic constructions of online screen media, something that adopts an interactive way of storytelling, much like Soderbergh’s new narrative application, Mosaic. We looked at this article in the opening weeks of the semester, but it didn’t really capture my attention until now, about how distinctive this form of media is. The short video episodic application allows the viewer to choose its own path and see all the perspectives of the murder mystery. The viewer has to click to watch more of the stories and elements of the investigation, which highlights the idea of it being interactive. It kind of feels like a virtual reality experience, where you are being taken on a journey, however there are only two ways you can go in Soderbergh’s app. This influenced me to think about using the qualities of hyperlink and cross platform in my assessment.

Originally, Taras and myself were thinking about having four videos on the screen and then they slowly cross fade off the screen, where four box hyperlinks are left on the youtube video allowing for the viewer to click to watch the rest of the video, which brought in the characteristic of cross platform. We were thinking about having the youtube video as the primary platform and then Instagram website link, Vimeo link, and a blog link which took the viewer to the alternate pages. However after a discussion with Hannah, she thought it may work better using a blog as the primary platform and you were able to hyperlink videos from there.

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