Development 1.0

In Thursdays class we discussed some forms and content that aligns with screen media, using table by table to come up with some examples and share them with the class. In the end, the class stretched their minds and came up with about 20 on each side (a small amount in Hannah’s eyes haha).

After learning about all of this online screen production theory that’s relevant to todays connected world, I’ve had a think about what it would’ve been like for my parents or grandparents to use the internet or if they even used it. This idea of Web 2.0, (that’s the new and improved version of online networking and online content) is what we are used too. Having a two way online access, whereas back in the day it was only singular.

Specifically –

“Web 2.0 does not refer to an update to any technical specification, but to changes in the way Web pages are designed and used. A Web 2.0 website may allow users to interact and collaborate with each other in a social media dialogue as creators of user-generated content in a virtual community, in contrast to the first generation of Web 1.0-era websites where people were limited to the passive viewing of content.” (DiNucci,1999).

This thought also made me seaway into thinking about old film and old video; like VHS and how people have started collecting old mediums like this because its hipster or somewhat rare. For example, I was scrolling on Ebay the other day and a VHS of “Game of Death” featuring Bruce Lee was ninety dollars. Now that’s pretty ridiculous! Which emphasised for me how we like to recycle media forms, where old becomes new/popular and vise versa.

Anyway, this week we were to choose one of the forms and practically test out the form. Initially we were thinking 360 photo and video, but the video part sounds tricky due to having to use a specific camera that shoots in a 360 degree view. We were looking at something that was more old and has reformed into something new. This is where the idea of sensory media came in as a good practical test. Since sensory media like ASMR is something I’m sure they would’ve had it 50 years ago but it just wouldn’t have been called that. Like I’m sure there was videos created that pin pointed your body when it heard sounds, but why is it becoming a big thing in our time?

We’ve just gotta find somewhere thats really quite that we can use to record the sound and then we’ll look for interesting objects that would create a sound that would make the subject squirm, scared, hurt or get goosebumps. On Tuesday next week ill have a look around and see whats the best location to record the sound, and Taras is going to collect some objects, so we’re ready for Thursday.

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