This class we talked about our presentations that are on June 1st, and how we can do something that’s unique and captures the audience’s attention, keeping them engaged, but also that’s somewhat beneficial for us too. Luckily enough, Hannah informed us of another groups idea, which is to use the time after interacting with it to ask what they felt; both physically and mentally. We can use this idea, but instead we get them to be involved in our project. Therefore we will have to either print off a bunch of copies of the Google form page where they can sign it and then we tell them to jump on our facebook page, like it and then upload a picture. Or just tell them to go onto the facebook page and then be taken via the link to form and do it all on their phones. San has a zoom microphone so we will be able to have it there ready to record. I also think having some sort of packaged chocolate or lolly may help them be apart of the project (or its at least worth a try).
After that discussion, we had a work in progress feedback session with each group individually. Our main question for the groups was, what is a way that we can connect our Facebook page to our project so that the page is exciting and beneficial. Basically asking them, why would you want to be apart of it? This gave back some good ideas; such as having a tips and challenges post that was either weekly or monthly, this lead us to develop this idea into post updates about some of the countries that are featured within the project. Or even summarise some points that have been talked about within months content. Plus being able to use the FB page wall as a forum for people to write our there stories in 100 words or less, which we can upload to the project as well. Or even just take snippets of the story and quote them in a box in the project and hyperlink back to the Facebook page, creating a cross platform, modular venture. Another way to give us a story that doesn’t show your full name on the wall is just send us a message, which we will copy and put up, but only have their first name just like the rest of the subjects. This lead us to go back to the drawing board and figure out the last couple of ideas, and set them into stone.
We are nearly there – thinking music (5:00 it gets good)