This week was split up into two weeks because of public holidays and Easter weekend, so for me it was the collaboration week. Where I collaborated with Mikaela, and I gave her Sara’s mobile so they could work out the times to shoot for themselves. Since I learnt from (Andrew Field’s collaboration article,2013) it stated that communicating company expectations, setting team goals, fostering a creative atmosphere, building cohesion and knowing one another is all crucial in a successful collaborative process. Mikaela also took it upon herself to research about different yoga’s and Sara’s specific teaching. Therefore, I thought it’d be a good idea for me to do the same. I found that there are three bases in Melbourne, that are labelled Alpha, Bravo and Charlie. Where Dimitri is in Bravo, a 5th/6th battalion in the Royal Victoria Regiment that goes on exercise trainings for infantry and basic soldier trainings in places like Kapooka and Puckapunyal. In this week, it also gave me the time to map out what I photos I want to take, and what I want to feature in the frame. I planned out as follows: his name, his badges, his equipment he uses on exercises, some actions or positions he has to do for prolong periods of time all of which is in a bush area that juxtaposes the army life. I was also thinking about taking photos of him in normal clothes and using Photoshop to overlay a kind of ghost feel on to a photo of the bush to represent that once he steps into the area that evokes an army feel, his old self fades away and his battalion characteristics (true colours) come out in full form.