Project Brief – Lofi Self Portrait

I aimed to present myself as an individual that enjoys the most crucial parts of life: music, being active, and sharing music with others by an object called a guitar.

Instrument: GUITAR 

Guitar Strings

  • This is a photo of my steel string acoustic electric guitar
  • By capturing from a high angle i was able to use depth of field to highlight these everlasting strings to my soul.
  • Playing a song for someone is a way that i find can really help you to communicate to others on a emotional, personal but also fun way.


  • These are my 3 guitars (starting from the left): Acoustic, Acoustic/Electric and Electric
  • I have 3 different guitars because i believe its kinda shows the different identities i hold, and how i am able to be flexible.


  • This is me playing the intro of Wish You Were Here by Pink Floyd
  • I played this song because i found it hard to learn and was a real stepping stone for me, and was my first song that i learnt with chords and finger plucking involved. Identity wise, it shows that i am able to overcome difficult situations and tackle each challenge head on!

  • This is a CLOSE UP of all my guitars
  • mute sound



  • This is my Landyatchz Longboard
  • Im communicating how i like to keep active and outdoors, sometimes get my friends to come shred it with me on there bikes, skateboards ect.

Longboard Wheels

  • The bearing and wheels are crucial, so that I am able to got fast and keep balance.
  • In a sense, I’m trying to communicate that when I’m on my skateboard (outdoors) i like to have a balanced nature in my personality.

  • This is the sound of the wheels and bearings speeding down a hill, communicating my love for speed.

  • mute sound (sound is on the soundcloud clip)

Music: VINYL 

  • This is of my record player watching the needle drop and the crackle ignite.
  • This is one of my favourite possessions, and illustrates that i have a love for old technology, you could call me old fashioned.
  • Mute sound (sound is in soundcloud clip)


  • This is the crackle and music that came from the record player and vinyl
  • I love the organic sound it creates, portraying myself as a bit of a hipster 😛

Sport: Basketball


  • I like to keep active and playing basketball shows others that i like to keep slim and fit, some people say that I’m too tall and lanky, but that just means that i am able to dunk easier.


Basketball Ring

  • This guy is my best friend and usually is nice to me, but i do sometimes get angry at him for not letting me get the ball in the hoop haha.
  • Can sometimes loose my cool, but dont worry I’m a pretty good guy 😛


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