Show and Tell (Blog Post 6)

In wednesdays class we had a little mini group presentation and gained some feedback from Hannah and a few of our peers. This unfinished video is all I had to show because I needed to do a lot of reshooting the day before and didn’t have time to edit it into the piece. But I got some incredible feedback about how to end the piece from hannah which I think will really tie it together. She suggested that I end the sequence by completely uprooting everything. Make it as chaotic and unintelligible as possible. I think layering the videos and toying around with the opacities will help out with this.

I also showed the group the video that was in my last blog, and the layering/opacity effect in that film seemed to be a positive mentioned by a few people. So I think that effect will definitely play a part in that final sequence of my finished edit.

On top of this, I think I need to work on keeping a uniform time for each wide shot. Originally I was going to just import them and leave them unedited, but to really create that cohesive feel between the shots of nature, I think I will edit them down to all be exactly 30 seconds. Hopefully this will help me to create a sense of uniformity across the piece that will make the complete lack of such a feeling at the end feel even more impactful. I’d also like to experiment will really playing around with the sounds at the end of the film. I think creating that completely confusing, dissaraying sequence visually will disrupt the audience’s attention and ability to notice, and throwing in random train station sounds and clips jumbled together will bring it together.


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