I am so very much looking forward to all that’s ahead in this studio. Radio is something I know next to nothing about and I guess this is the main reason I have chosen to do this… I wanted to try something new. I’ve always been so focused on Film and Television and never really paid too much attention to radio features and documentaries. I suppose my recent trip across Australia really sparked my interest in radio. I was scanning through the channels pretty much non-stop for the ten week trip and found myself always stopping on the feature length stories. They were great for the long drive ahead, in a way I could escape to somewhere else but still kind of co-exist and not veer off the road. I found this really interesting, compared with cinema where it’s dark and you kind of step out of your body into this alternate reality. I began to become more interested in the framelessness of radio, I could do the dishes but not really have to think too much about scrapping the dirty grease off the pan. I love the way all the layers of sound-texture and the way the emotiveness of words can bring about such imaginative stimulation. I think a line in one of the readings on the feature ‘Poetry Texas’ by Falling Tree Productions really sums up what I’m eager to get better at… “a journalist asks the questions, but a poet hears and shapes the resonances in the sounds and the words”. Learning this stuff is so distinctly different from anything I’ve done before. Some good times ahead.