Yesterday I popped into RMITV to have a chat about what went on there and to see if I could volunteer for anything. I mentioned I had a little bit of camera experience and immediately I was signed on to Live on Bowen as their camera operator couldn’t make it…Being thrown in the deep end was a lot of fun. I started at three in the afternoon and walked out of there at 10pm sweating, ecstatic and keen for more. It was addictive, the fast paced environment is something I could definitely get used to. We were shooting a band so after studying the song, rehearsing some shots and angles and overcoming any technical problems with lighting and audio we were rolling! I was given a lot of creative responsibility by the director who worked closely with us to get that perfect take. I haven’t got a permanent crew position as I was just filling in but I am now a member so I’ll definitely be on the look out for positions available. GOOD TIMES!