Today we had a play around with the ZOOM microphones and learnt a bit about how they work as well as some general ‘need to know’ stuff around audio. This tutorial brought me back to my sound design class I had at JMC. It can be a pain sometimes going over stuff I have already learnt in my diploma course. I can’t complain though because getting the basics down pat is important and I definitely won’t be missing anything.

In my opinion sound is the most important element to be able to manipulate and control during production and post-production. Audiences will often put up with imperfect images, but they’re unforgiving if the sound quality isn’t right. The sound in a video production usually isn’t just dialogue; it also includes music and all the background noises you might not consciously pay attention to, but which create a scene’s mood. We did some serious listening today, walking around campus capturing sounds of vehicles, nature, people and the atmospheric sounds of particular spaces. Have a listen to what we recorded…

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