After viewing what seemed like countless shots from test shoots, writing and re-writing scripts, casting actors and booking gear, the official shoot day was here. We had organised to film at the venue for two nights, so we decided to split the nights into each respective film: Blue Moon and The Club. I learned a lot from the experience and immediately afterwards, wrote a list of reflections and things to improve upon.
One of the aspects I really enjoyed on the Blue Moon shoot was having a clear role – director. Rosie had written the script; Sam and Louise had pretty much done everything else. I knew what role I needed to fulfil and I could focus all my energy on trying to do a good job. On the other hand, on The Club shoot, I was directing whilst also juggling the script and the shot list, trying to not miss anything. Consequently some things slipped (an important POV shot to show the kitchen is connected to the dining room). A point to work on in the future is to get better at asking for help.
Other points to improve upon:
Be more confident and vocal. I often see things I’d like to change and only think them. I really need to work on speaking up.
Think the shot set up through! There were a couple of times when I didn’t think the full action of the shot through. This resulted in shots taking much longer than they needed. Take the opening locker scene for example. The action is: Rich tying his shoelaces, turning around and looking through three lockers, before grabbing the orange juices and leaving. When we first went for a take, I described the action as only tying his shoe. It took a couple of takes to realise my mistake. I know these things aren’t major mistakes but they are definitely the things I kick myself about.