Reflection #7

For exercise 3 we were required to go out in groups and film six x thirty-second shots. While our group was assembling the equipment I looked out the classroom window at the massive construction site across the way, seemingly omnipresent these days at uni. I was really drawn to capturing the workers in their element, and thought it would make a great theme to work off. While operating the camera with Tim we kept reverting back to extreme close ups of the men working on the site. It was almost otherworldly, nothing was recognisable, as nothing was in its final form. It was eerie and wonderful.
I was happy with the shot composition and exposure, but I felt like I didn’t achieve crisp focus.

I went back out a week later when I had a vision of I wanted my final product to look like. I wanted to vilify the construction workers and dub over ‘Nature Is Speaking’, a video by Conservation International, voiced by Julia Roberts. I didn’t use any other groups footage.

I hoped the juxtaposing of the industrial setting with the environmental message of the audio would be jarring and dramatic. I’m not sure If I achieved that though…

When I returned to film again, I shot additional construction workers, electing to use handheld to convey the imbalance of their environment: they exist with no nature, only man made things. They are the men who make the constructs that replace nature. Hopefully further vilifying these workers. I felt strongly in conveying this sentiment, however, in reviewing the footage I discovered I had made a mistake in electing to use hand held. Mostly because it was the only shot that was not on a tripod and in result looked sloppy and like the purposeful decision was itself a mistake.

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