This week’s reading by Victor Burgin suggests that photographs can actually be read by viewers. Burgin tends to relate photographs and texts together, implying there is a definite link between the two – which I believe there is. Both a photograph and a text can be read. However, there are obviously many differences between the two.
The difference between reading a text and reading a photograph:
- Generally, readers have the same interpretation
- Readers are given the exact same information; it’s how they understand it that differs
- Easier to consume as the content with the necessary information is right there in front of you
- Viewers have completely different interpretations as it’s purely based on what they visualise
- Viewers are left with less information so have to gather it themselves
- Takes more effort, time and thought to consume
These points can be both a negative and positive aspect, for example even though photographs often take more effort to consume and comprehend which may seem like a negative, it can expand knowledge, awareness and imagination to viewers.