Our Presentation in Class

Nikki Indri and I thought our presentation went really well! It’s a lot easier to explain the reasoning behind our ideas and decisions so a powerpoint format was perfect for our delivery and so the class can fully understand and follow.


  • Great use of capturing people in their element within the chosen environment
  • Idea of physical presence not needed to fill a space
  • Robbie thought it would be interesting to capture the environment at night time – see how it differs, different animals, activities, people using the space differently
  • Everyone really liked the idea of the intersection. However, Robbie thought it created a rushed atmosphere rather than the cruisey pace people would go through it with. It worked for the bikes as they are rushed.

We are still decided our direction for assignment 4. But still interested in looking at how people use a certain space differently and make it sacred in their own way. More interested in the ‘everyday’ rather than staged use of space. Fully capturing people in their element.

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