Doing Mobile Media: Assignment 5.2

1> From your studio, reflect on an aspect of two other students/group’s media work on the website in terms of specific insights they produced about a key idea addressed by the studio? 

Doing Mobile Media offered insight into a variety of different ideas and projects that were developed to achieve a multitude of purposes. Key ideas that were addressed were how can we develop existing projects to become more engaging to its audience in an engaging way. One student I chose to reflect and believe achieved this key idea was Campbell’s vertical cinema installation. It was a well developed and explained project which resonated with me through the reference of Tik Tok. As Tik Tok acts as a catalyst towards vertical video, Campbell’s idea became all the more relevant. Campbell successfully explained the use of vertical video in a sense of it telling a story and differentiating himself from horizontal video format. His final film was professionally curated and I valued his take on black lives matter. Through videography and his appreciation for vertical video, he was able to encapsulate and delivered beautiful platformativity project that promotes an extremely strong message in a poetic way. 

Another student I decided to reflect on was Andrew’s digi-tour. I thoroughly enjoyed how Andrew creatively reclaimed the ways in which individuals can enjoy art culture in the form of a digital tour. The multi-purpose website format which acts as an educational, entertaining and creative application which successfully re-engages different audiences to the world of art culture. Andrew went in depth to develop and create the app behind his idea. This offered an extremely insightful and realistic view of how the digital tour would function. As someone who doesn’t appreciate art as it probably should be, this tour with audio offers an engaging and entertaining alternative. Being able to listen and learn while simultaneously seeing a visual offers a whole new experience within itself. I believe this tour would be successful in many museums or galleries to help add extra layer behind the exhibition post covid. Andrew made this project extremely accessible by offering it as an at home form of learning for those hesitant to be around busy spaces. With accessibility, creativity and education, he created an extremely strong project.  

2> Choose one other studio from this list (we suggest selecting a studio that you would not normally be interested in). Then describe a key idea that you think the finished media/studio work communicated with reference to two specific examples (i.e. particular individual/group works)

Reel to Real

For this part of the reflection I decided to watch students works from Real To Reel. This studio, from my perspective, seems to be a non-fictional documentary style film and edit. One student’s work stood out to me immediately. Darci and Michelle created a short doco called ‘DJ Netburner’. I am someone who appreciates the music and creatives of DJ’s so this immediately spiked my interest. The doco starts off with visuals and a voice over of Loni Jeffs who introduces us into her upbringing in a small conservative town. She then explains her struggles ‘how one must shed the cookie-cutter effect of the small-town syndrome in an attempt to exhibit creative integrity’. I particularly enjoyed this doco as it showed the creativity behind her works and included audios of her music. This project left me extremely engaged with the life behind the DJ and I commend Darci and Michelle on the fantastic outcome of their final film. 

The second doco I chose was titled ‘Beyond the Feed’ created by Sarah and Mikayla. This doco follows a young Melbourne designer who creates leisure wear for her brand Vesper Co. Ironically, I am well aware of this small brand and appreciate their garments so it made their final project all the more engaging. I loved the story these girls followed of where Blah’s first interest in fashion came from. They inclusions of visuals of sewing and the power of social media was extremely interesting to learn about. It was amazing to see how one small idea can develop into such a creative outlet. This mini-doco offered insight and authenticity behind the many obstacles that Ilah (the designer) has to face day to day. I believe this documentary was extremely impactful due to the age of its protagonist. Being around the same age as Ilah offers inspiration and relatability to many who wish to start in the same industry. 

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