Week 11.
Week 11 was designated to showing rough cuts to send to Field. My group uploaded on Wednesday the 6th of October so will be receiving feedback on Friday. Our rough cut was required to be 30 seconds – 1 minute long. Our group drafted up a (VERY) rough draft that aimed to show the compilation and style we were aiming for. We are yet to record audio and input a sound track.
Something important we had to remember was the official font needed for the final production which Bailey was in charge of. I assisted in curating films and adding to our story board on Miro. We used Miro to create our final story board and input our script and which films go where.
You can find a link here
Attached is a screen cap of our brain storm process for our title.
Our feed back was quite consistent which was good. Field enjoyed our concept, however we only submitted a very rough cut. There was a lot of work to do and audio to obtain. Subtitles weren’t necessary so we unanimously decided to take them out for the final cut.
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