Week 3 gave me the opportunity to speak to someone I have never spoken to. Thankfully Mark was available and participated in my interview. I particularly liked this exercise as its a great way to communicate with other classmates and get to know them more.
Describe how you made the work?
I took into consideration a different approach technically when watching my video. This led me to upload my video of Mark onto my instagram story and transfer it to an instagram highlight. While not much editing went into the video, I was able to incorporate relevant stickers to align with Mark’s answers to each questions. Instagram stories and highlights are perfect ways to file and sort specific videos and visuals that you post. I also find people engage far more with instagram stories rather than posts. I left Mark’s answers raw and unedited as an experimental way to show a low budget video.
With trying a different approach technically, what issues did you face?
Using instagram stories is something I am quite familiar with so I didn’t have any issues uploading. However, wifi problems caused for stories to post out of order and required me to repost and wait for it to upload until I could continue on. This proved to me this was a slower process than other technical approaches like IGTV.
What worked well?
I loved the accessibility to use stickers and gifs on top of the video to add an emphasis on the visual and conversation occurring. Using stickers added a bit of character to the video so it wasn’t just a horizontal form plain interview. I also appreciated the layout of instagram highlights and how I am able to label it and how visible it is to people who view my profile. Experimenting with instagram has been beneficial to find what works best with promoting and posting social videos online.
What could you have done better?
I could have experimented more with video effects and worked to add a soundtrack. I also think I should of specified to Mark to answer questions in more detail so the video clips weren’t so jumpy. However it gave me future knowledge to dive deeper into my interviewees head. By doing that will give me more content to work with and also present on my instagram.
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