week 8 – story, character, lists, poems

“A story is the narrative, or telling, of an event or a series of events, crafted in a way to interest the audience members, whether they are readers, listeners or viewers” (Sheila Curran Bernard 2011, 15) After contemplating the idea of story, I wondered how to incorporate a story line into my film. The title […]

week 7 – materiality

Broderick Fox suggested that the idea of documentaries is they all ‘look and sound the same’. The idea that documentaries all all informative and to some ‘boring’. Through this studio, I have come to the realisation that documentaries have different styles and film techniques involved to create their own originality. Week 7 introduced us to […]


From week 1 to week 6 we were inundated with incredible techniques that would assist our film structure. Techniques I took a particular liking to were archival footage, taking a position and poetic and contemplative. These techniques really opened up my eyes to the logistics of documentary creating. Through discovering new techniques and experimenting by […]

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