Week 11 Readings: “Actor Network Theory”, Bruno Latour
This weeks reading came with a warning, which I much appreciated because yes, it was hard yakka. Here are some take aways I managed to glean from the opening of Latour’s piece. There are common misconceptions about Actor Network Theory….
WEEK 10 READINGS – “Database as Symbolic Form”
Lev Manovich starts by clarifying his use of the word “database.” Computer science uses databases to store and retrieve data, fast. Different types of databases such as hierarchical, network, relational, and object-oriented, use different models to organize data. For example,…

Week 8: The 80/20 Rule
Influential Italian economist, Vilfredo Pareto formed The 80/20 Rule after he observed that 80 percent of his peas were produced by only 20 percent of his peapods. His observations are based on the uneven distribution of wealth and theorises that 80…

Week 6 – Readings
This week we are once again met by George Landow’s ideas on hypertext and Critical Theory and New Media in an Era of Glabalization. He opens this chapter by reminding us that the digital world and image, even on the…
Week 5 – Readings
In this week’s reading George Landow discusses the idea of hypertexuality and how it radically changes the experience that reading, writing and text signify. Hypertext moves the boundary of power away from the author to the reader, which changes the…

Week 4 – Readings
Bush Vannevar begins his discussion by asking, “Of what lasting benefit has been man’s use of science and of the new instruments which his research brought into existence?” Firstly, we have more control over our material environment such as…
Week 2 – Design Fiction
Science fiction writer Bruce Sterling explains that Design Fiction relies heavily on a diegetic approach to creating future objects and services that strive to tell worlds rather than stories. The emphasis is on the design and not the fiction component….

Week 1 – Readings
I found Adrian Miles’ Blogs in Media Education: A Beginning really helpful in explaining his choice to use online blogs as a tool in teaching media education. His passion for the technology is clear, and as someone who is not…