Week 7: Symposium 0.4
What kind of genre is an interactive documentary? Is it still a documentary, or would you say that it is a new genre because of the hypertextual interface?
- Documentary: A document of physical reality.
- Mediated by author and technology
- Mixing form and content
- Brian – yes, it is still a documentary just in a different form.
- Documentary can be film, radio, artifact, even poetry.
- Genre is also about institutions and industry that produce them – help package, distribute for audience recognition.
- All stories have to make truth claims, but the truth claims in non-fiction have to make truth claims about “the” world not “a” world.
- Is documentary a genre?
If, “Interactive narratives have no singular, definitive beginnings and endings,” then what would be the constraints for an author of interactive media to control the interpretation of a narrative?
- Authorial intent and purpose is re-thought
- What kind of learning experience do I want to provide for my reader in getting them to engage with me and what I’ve authored.
- Plurality
- Less about messages
- Experience of a world the author has imaged and created
- Authors can never control interpretation. Eg: Bible “never have, never will” – Adrian “let go of the arrogance that you can control the reader.”
- We interpret texts not authors
- Objects have personalities that we interpret
- Hypertext = schizophrenic (try to establish causal links, narrative context)
- Author includes certain codes in the text (Stuart hall – encoding and decoding theory)
- But authoring is a gamble (readers might not get references, no guarantees)
How do you actually write a hypertext narrative?
- Different for each project
- Who is the audience?
- What kinds of motivations are involved?
- Includes time, space, characters and events
- Starts form the granular, small bits, then work out connections and intersections
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