Week 2 – Unlecture and Tutorial
This week’s lecture stressed again that ‘knowledge is constructed’ and this course is about the simultaneous production of both knowledge and graduates. As the semester progresses and students become a little bit more settled, it’s interesting to see the division…
At 9:30 last night we lost power. Media Watch was rudely interrupted, as the howling winds were victorious over South Yarra’s electrical supply. My first response was one of annoyance. Then came the realisation that my iPhone only had 12%…

‘Cashing in on Curiosity’
I came across an interesting insight in the Financial Review into the business side of one of my Favourite blogs by Australian Lucy Feagins The Design Files.
Week 2 – Design Fiction
Science fiction writer Bruce Sterling explains that Design Fiction relies heavily on a diegetic approach to creating future objects and services that strive to tell worlds rather than stories. The emphasis is on the design and not the fiction component….