Week 12: Monday’s Tutorial

This week my group and I decided that a more productive use of our time would be to use our Monday and Thursday tutorials as time to film the remainder of our shots. This was  due to the fact that all members would not experience any scheduling clashes that would prevent us from filming together and also because this is an optimum time to film the skaters during the earlier and often peak hours of the day.

In both tutorials, we agreed that we needed more establishing shots of Riverslide Skatepark to situate it more clearly within Melbourne’s CBD. This involved setting up the tripod in the middle of Alexandra Garden’s entrance pathway in order to obtain a scenic shot of the beautiful route that is involved in getting to Riverslide. Eager to make this our opening shot, we did multiple takes as we were often interrupted by different people passing by. We did, however, manage to record a spontaneous shot of a skater who happened to be skating uphill where our camera was set-up. The scene was executed beautifully even if the shot was not pre-planned, however, our plans to use this as opening shot were sadly disrupted by another passerby who ended up interrupting our shot (view clip here).

The rest of the day was dedicated to filming the actual skatepark from different angles and distances in order to give the viewer a better understanding of the look and feel of the park.

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