Week 11: Monday’s Tutorial

Last Saturday, Dana and I headed to Riverslide to film our first interview subject, Jenna Pignotti. Our filming was hugely under the mercy of the weather and to our dismay, it had continued to rain for a significant portion of our filming time, wherein a lot of our time was spent briefing Jenna on the project, we informed her that our focus was in trying to weave her identity as a female skater and how she associates this with being a skate at Riverslide.

As this was the first time Dana and I had hired and worked with the new lenses and camera equipment, many of our video clips ended up being shot either too closely to the subject or completely out of focus. Back at RMIT, my group and I decided that the footage was still usable for b-roll and the blurry footage could be used to add a sort stylistic effect for our documentary.

The most disheartening aspect of this filming process when we reviewed Jenna’s interview during our tutorials, we realised that while Jenna’s interview footage was shot beautifully (and in focus), the audio was completely unusable as we had forgotten to place the muffler on our zoom recorder and therefore, the recording device had picked up all of the background noise from the skaters and excessive wind that drowned out Jenna’s dialogue completely.

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