Does the design of the interface force the users attention to follow certain lines of focus as opposed to others?
What are the key considerations when constructing a multilinear work?
Luers talks about databases in K-Films working on relational knowledge, and as such you can replicate narrative film techniques like flashback and montage. However is this disregarding the K-Film’s intention of exploring non-narrative?
Can you explain what temporal relations and micro and macro views mean in relation to K-Films?
Is having an end SNU a good idea to make he film have a conclusion, or should the viewer be able to interpret the film any way they like?
If a shot’s meaning can be changed why create lives when and if the film maker specifically linked the clips together?
Should sound be used differently in a Korsakow project than in a linear film?
Should the K-film essay focus more on why we did it or how we did it?