K-Film Inspiration

The film I selected for this week’s Korsakow inspiration is Hands: Thinking Out Loud. Under Seth’s advice, I viewed this film due to its similarities to my group’s concept.


  • Personal
  • Observant
  • Familiar
  • Artistic


  • Volume of music too loud, it competed for my audio attention. I was interested in hearing the noise from the clip in the viewer window.


  • The soft acoustic overarching soundtrack, it connected the whole film, but allowed breathing space while I contemplated the clip that had just finished
  • Combination of the audio from the main viewer window and the previews playing with the soundtrack, made the film crowded and exciting
  • Black and white preview windows, distinguished between the main viewer window
  • The interface design of four boxes, evenly place in the centre of the screen. The consistency of the design would allow an individual who was not familiar with K-Films to adapt to the structure.
  • Relations based on theme
  • Short clip, including audio plays in the preview window
  • The titles


  • Lower the volume of the soundtrack so it sits balances out with the audio from the clips.

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