First Lesson Using Korsakow

Surprisingly I was not overwhelmed by the software at first glance. I was expecting something much more complicated. The idea of creating connections from the sketches I have developed seems possible. I am already starting to imagine how they may connect.

I realise I have not completely grasped the Korsakow lingo at this point in time. I expect this to develop over the coming weeks whilst using the program.

Some things I have learnt:

  •  File management is integral. Create a folder at the beginning of a project. Create a media assets folder for all JPEG and H.264 files. Create an exports folder. Save your Korsakow project file to the original project folder. Do not move items. 
  •  Save frequently. I am determined not to lose any valuable work.
  •  Ensure I am double clicking on the video files (not the picture files) when SNUifying. Assign Jpegs (preview) to videos.
  • Refer to the keywords window frequently. This will show me if there are any ‘dead ends’ within my work.
  • Replace old export with newer version when exporting. Do not ‘save as’. I had more success opening my .html file in FireFox than Safari. Allow all plug ins.
  • I can alter the layout of my preview windows.
  • Red= in, Blue= out.
  • SNU= smallest narrative unit. POC= points of contact (in and out), created by keywords. K film= connection of SNUs (web of relations).
  • Define lives of clip and whether there will be loops.
  • Do not be too literal and do not be too ambiguous.
  • Refer to the Korsakow resources on Seth’s blog.

What I am expecting to learn next

  • The best way to capture a still. I am wondering if a screen shot will do.
  • I am also expecting to face a few problems.

I intend to post on Adrian’s tech help page, questions and answers!

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